Week Preview: Nov. 28 – Dec.3

Congrats to Dawny and Aaron for winning The Hopper! Pictures will be up shortly.

The final Sublime Saturday Series takes place on December 17th… It’s The Lift Off! We will have a team workout @9:30am, then The Lift Off will follow at 11:00. We could use voluneteers so let me know if you are free to stick around and help!



After this we take a break and get ready for The Sublime Open! 5 Weeks of challenging workouts to see if anyone can dethrone Melissa and Nick!


Schedule change! After feedback from members the 11:45am class will move to 9:45am, but those of you who frequent that class already know that 😉 Just a heads up for the rest if you find yourself with a day off!


Alllllllllllllllllright, how is the soreness going?

Let’s keep it rolling!


Foundation – Bench & Ring Rows + Tuck Sits

Building – Snatch + Bench & Ring Rows + Tuck Sits



Foundation – BSQ + LONG EMOM (Burpees/Rowing)

Building – C&J + BSQ + LONG EMOM (Burpees/Rowing)



Foundation – Bear/Frog/Monkey Business + Intervals (Sled/Bike/Row)

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Snatch Complex + Push Press & Chins + Bike



Foundation – F.R Reverse Lunge + Landmine Push Press + Deadlifts

Building – F.R. Reverse Lunge + Deadlift + TGU & Dragons!



Join Kyle For Team Workout! Teams Of 2. 15:00 AMRAP (Row/WB)

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