Week Preview: November 7 – 12

So, everyone sore? A new cycle will do that to ya! We will not have classes this Friday, so plan it as your rest day. We roll on with week 2, some strength work stays the same, look back on last week and try to improve. We have a Whiteboard Workout on Thursday that promises to be a lot of fun. Then we end the week with Jay running a great Team Workout on Saturday.

Speaking of Jay…here is his next clue to what The Hopper has in store for you all on November 19th!


We recently had 4 more members join the Wall Of Fame. If you catch Nick, Rick, Tyler, or Kendra around be sure to congratulate them!



Foundation – Upper Body Push/Pull + AB Crusher

Building – C&J + Upper Body Push/Pull + AB Crusher



Foundation – Hurdle Jumps + FSQ/Farmer Walk/Sled Push + AMRAP (Skips/KBS/Sit Ups)

Building – Snatch + FSQ/Farmer Walk/Sled Push + Rowing Intervals



Foundation – A Whole Lotta Intervals – Get Your Sweat On

Building – FSQ/Pull Ups/Double Unders + Pressing & Pulling



Foundation – BB Press & Ring Pull Ups + Deadlift + “For Time” (Row/KBS/Burpee)

Building – Deadlift + “For Time” (Row/KBS/Burpee)



Remembrance Day – We are closed. Please take some time to reflect on what this day means.



Teams Of 3: Row/Bike/Wall Ball/KB…… + Sled Punishment…. only if you break the rules! Come join Jay for a good time!

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