Week Preview: October 31 – November 5

Thanks to everyone who came out to our presentation, hopefully you were able to take something away from our rambling. We have had some requests to put our words onto paper and make it available to you, were working on it!


We will not have a 615pm class on Monday as we would like to be home in time to take sons/daughters/nephews/nieces out trick or treating! Drive slow on your way home and watch for the little ones!

We got some new photos popping up on the Wall Of Fame this week, make sure you congratulate those who have reached the 3 year mark!

Next Sublime Saturday Series is November 19th, THE HOPPER! Old school CrossFit stuff coming at ya…want to know what the event is? You will have to wait until that morning to find out. Brendan is keeping it tight lipped, he has given Jay hints and they will be working together to release teaser photos…see if you can guess the event.

Hint #1:



Foundation – Upper Body Push & Pull + ABBZZZZZ

Building – C&J Cluster + Upper Body Push & Pull + ABBZZZZZ



Foundation – Jumping + FSQ/Farmerwalk/Sled + AMRAP(WB&Skips)

Building – Snatch Complex + FSQ/Farmerwalk/Sled + Rowing Intervals



Foundation – Moderate Aerobic Single Modality

Building – Rest Up!



Foundation – Rest Up

Building – Press + Press Hold + Pull Ups & Bike



Foundation – Press + Press Hold + Deadlift + Pull Ups/Windmill/Hollow Rock

Building – Deadlift + Ab Work



Everyone: Burpees/KBS/Row

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