Week Preview: July 25 – 30


Do you enjoy free stuff? One of our members, Sara, is doing us all big solid. She is offering free passes to the Interstellar Rodeo! We have ballots on the desk, all you need to do is leave your name and email, then she will contact you with the promo code and hook you up! It runs the weekend of August 12th…. if you like drinks and music I suggest taking her up on the offer.

This weekend Brendan has you for a team workout on Saturday and we will be closed on Monday August 1st. Hope you get the opportunity to get out of the city!

Congrats again to Curtis and Cristy for winning the 2k Row Challenge in our Sublime Saturday Series! Looking forward to seeing this pictures up on the wall! Up next is the 5K Run in September. After that it is the Baseline Challenge in October yeeeeeehaaaaaw.


** Schedule note: We will not have a Thursday 11:45 class this week as I am in a memorial golf tournament.

Alright. Lets get to it.


Foundation – Front Rack Step Ups + Low % Aerobic + Pull Ups & Sled

Building – Clean & Jerk Max + Front Rack Step Ups + Pull Ups & Sled



Foundation – FSQ + Waiter Walks + Tightenin up the ABZZZZ & BUTT

Building – P-Snatch + FSQ + Tightenin up the ABZZZZ & BUTT



Foundation – Gob Sq & Mtn Climbers + Db Presses + Bike & Sled 🙂

Building – Get a job ya hoser



Foundation – Take a hike eh

Building – Gob Sq & Mtn Climbers + EMOM C&J + Bike & Sled 🙂



Foundation – 1 Arm Waiter Sq + Groiners(because you loved them) + Farmer Carries + Push Ups & Rowing (Compare scores to last week!)

Building – EMOM Push Press & Jerk + 1 Arm Waiter Sq + Groiners(because you also loved them) + Push Ups & Rowing (Compare scores to last week!)



Team Workout: Running + KBS + WB

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