Week Preview: March 21 – 26

Hi everyone!

We have one final week remaining in the Sublime & Crossfit Open! After last weeks results the Sublime Open is going to be a fight to the finish, looking forward to week 5. If you have enjoyed the Sublime Open we have more events coming your way in what we are calling the Sublime Saturday Series. We will have a new event for each month, the schedule for the year is as follows:

April 23: CrossFit For The Community

May 21: Powerlift Off (Squat/Bench/Deadlift)

June 18: 2000M Row Challenge

July 23: Run The Mud Hero! (Early Bird Registration is April 11)

August 6-7: The Starke Games (Being Group)

September 17: 5km Run

October 22: Baseline Challenge

November 19: CrossFit Throw Down

December 17: Sublime Lift Off (Snatch/C&J)

Mark them in your calendar and hopefully you can join us for a few!

Please note our holiday hours this weekend. Limited hours on Friday and we are closed Sunday. Enjoy the weekend and try to get outdoors!

Foundation wraps up week 4/4 with a de-load, Building slides into week 3/4.



Foundation – Bench + BSQ + Midline

Building – Snatch + Press & FSQ + DB’s



Foundation – Intervals (Row/Bike/KBS/Burpees/Step Ups/Sit Ups)

Building – Intervals (Midline/Push ups/Hinge Rows)



Foundation – Incline DB Bench & Band Pull Aparts + RDL + Upper Body Work

Building – Rest Up



Foundation – Rest

Building – Clean + Deadlift + Chins + GHR & Ring Row



Foundation – FSQ & Ring Chin Ups + Sled Drags + Midline Intervals

Building – Rowing Intervals



Everyone: It’s a familiar one… it involves the bike….air squats….sit ups…push ups…pull ups…

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