Week Preview February 7-12

Okaaaaay, we’re nearing the end of our 6 month Building strength cycle and our 8 week Foundation Strength cycle. This means that Feats of Strength is coming up soon! Where you will get the opportunity to test out a heavy single in your two favourite (or most improved) lifts. This week will be Buildings last week of working up to the heavy single Oly lifts and heavy double FS/BS. Next week we lighten the load in anticipation of testing things out on Feb 20th.


Sled Push, Curls, Back Squat, Split Squat, Side Plank + Lifting

Foundation: OHS, Sumo Deadlift

Building: Clean & Jerk, BS


Whiteboard Workout


Stretch and Conditioning


Back Extn, Extn Rotation, Dragon Flag, Behind the Neck Press, Rev Nordic + Lifting

Foundation: Barbell Lunges, Bent Over Barbell Row

Building: Snatch, FS


Sled Push/pull running, CBP, Gob Squat, Trap 3, Couch Stretch +

Foundation: Conditioning + Core

Building: Pwr Clean and Push Jerk, BS


Foundation: Bench Press and Conditioning

Building: Snatch, CJ, FS

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