Week Preview: August 10 – 15

We are having a ladies night for the women of Sublime. Coach Melissa & Coach Jenelle will be your hosts for the evening on Friday, September 18th, @ 7:00pm. It will be a team oriented workout at the gym and then out for some food and drinks. Great chance to see what everyone looks like in regular clothes! And, like, talk to them and stuff. Save the date!


We will have a boys night, but I want to be apart of the non-sense, so you will have to wait until I am back from my honeymoon suuuuuccckaaaaaaaaaaaaas!


^^This has nothing to do with anything, I just found it funny^^

Also, Sublime will be fundraising and putting together a team for Motion Ball! It is a fundraiser for Special Olympics. Coach Melissa will be our team captain, since I will be away for it. Please let me know if you are interested in participating, we will set up a way to donate soon. For now, check out the link, more details to follow!

Foundation continues to build in volume, inching closer to a de-load and testing time. Building, are you sore? Well, welcome to intensification week. Heavy singles. Being! Let us guide you in weightlifting 101 & upper body stamina!




Foundation – Back Squat & Ring Pull Up + DB Reverse Lunge & Db Rows + Hard push on Bike & Row

Building – Heavy Singles in Press & Back Squat + For Time: KBS/Dips/Row



Foundation – Mid-Line Circuit + Aerobic Circuit

Building – Jumping + Pull Ups + Kb & Db Fun & Chin Up Holds



Foundation – Bench + Deadlift + Press & Leg Curls + Single Arm Strength + ABBBBBBZZZ

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Alt EMOM – BSQ & Push Up + Sled Intervals



Foundation – Front Squat + DB Row + Push Up + KBS + A Mix Up Of Last Weeks Aerobic Tester

Building – Heavy Single Clean + Chins + Rowing Intervals



Everyone: Interval Day! Running/WB/Burpee/Box Jump/Bike

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