Week Preview: March 16 – 21

Well I wish I would have known so many people were going away on holidays in March before I brashly declared this the month to break the attendance record… we still have a chance for it as we sit just slightly off pace to break it. And well that sucks, I was reminded this week how great you all are. I received emails or had conversations with every person who was leaving for holidays, giving me a heads up or apologizing(haha) for missing time and slowing us down on the race to beat the record. Gonna need everyone to step up in the last two weeks!

Two of our culprits
Two of our culprits

Just a few words on 15.3.

I know this one was disheartening for many of you. I was torn when it was announced because I have long believed that the road to Regionals shouldn’t be all inclusive, because Regionals isn’t all inclusive. It is for the best of the best. I love the idea of the open because it is a great opportunity to test your competitive side all the while never leaving the comfort of your home gym. But, if the opens is supposed to be the stepping stone for the best to eventually reach the games, it must be designed for them, not for everyone. So this year I was excited to hear the addition of the scaled division. It lets them have free reign on the programming of the Rx’d division and keeps everyone involved. They did a great job on the first two events.

However, in my opinion they dropped the ball on this event. Start off with muscle ups? Fine, I like it. If you want to make it to Regionals you should have muscle ups, and plenty of them. I had no problem with the Rx’d event. It was the complete lack of creativity and effort to make a challenging scaled division event that bothered me. They let a lot of people down with that. I understand a 14:00 workout with a ton of wallballs is physically challenging. What I mean is they made no effort to make it mentally challenging, or enticing. Why not keep the double unders? Why not make the scaled the same as the masters? (They just flipped the order)…. at least then people could grind out some wall balls & double unders and possibly get a muscle up or two to separate themselves from the pack. They took a exciting workout (Rx’d version) and made it 50 wall balls with like 90(?) seconds active rest in between. They had SO MANY options they could have used.

Anyway, I don’t want to just complain about CrossFit HQ or this blog could go on forever. I wanted to say that I am proud of you guys for coming in, and doing what you had to do. Some of you tried all you could to get a muscle up (or a few), a lot of you came in and grunted through a rather boring but absolutely grueling test of wall ball endurance. The point is, you all came in and went to work on it and that is all we can ask from you. My hope is that they will see this mistake and learn from it. We have two more weeks left, so lets have some fun and finish strong. After the final event, we will party like only Team Sublime knows how to. 🙂

Want some muscle up stuff to practice, here is a good guy to learn from.

Alright, enough soft stuff. Lets get back to working out.


Foundation rounds out week 5/5 with a de-load, and a new cycle begins on Friday. Hint, you might want to take advantage of the Thursday rest day and eat, a lot. Building gets comfortable in the middle during week 3/5.



Foundation – Deadlift + Split Squat + Lower Body Work

Building – Jerk + Push Press & Pull Ups + Overhead Squat + Core Crusher



Foundation – Bench + Upper Body Work + HEAVY Sled

Building – Oh Baby! Lactic Power & MAP Intervals (Deadlift/Bike/Burpee Box Jump/Thruster/Row) Yowza!



Foundation – Front Squat + Gymnastic Strength + CrossFit 10:00 AMRAP

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Snatch + Front Squat + Aerobic Intervals + Hard Row



Foundation – Back Squat (Time to see if all that hard work paid off) + Split Squat (Ditto) + New Gymnastic Strength + A Short Bike Ride

Building – 15.4



Foundation – Rowing, for an extended period of time. + Some Upper Body Strength

Building – C&J + Back Squat + Gymnastic Strength + Chin Ups/Dips/Push Ups Galore!

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