Week Preview: Feb.16-21



Hope you survived the stresses of Valentines Day, the biggest bar night of the year and the day when we celebrate the birth of our country… or am I mixed up?

New cycle for Foundation! We continue to build on our Squat/Bench/Deadlift & Press, the long aerobic pieces are gone and made way for more short conditioning fun. Also, no more gymnastics day! Instead the movements will be spread throughout the week and you will just do a few each day. As the guy who is usually writing it all out, I can’t being to explain how thrilled I am. It’s like waking up to your presents on Louis Riel Day! (Is that right?)

Building, welcome to week 5/6. Much of the same for you guys as we close out this cycle. These Fridays have been fun, keep coming out, great showing the last two weeks. Props to Scrivey for getting 125 cals out of those 5 Sprints, crazy to watch.




Still like to see a few more people sign up for the opens and represent Team Sublime. Two weeks away!


Foundation – Back Squat + The Return of Split Squats! + Gymnastics & Farmer Walk

Building – Olympic Lifting Every 2:00 X 1,000,000 + Sled Fun & Burpees



Foundation – Press + Gymnastics + Sled & Push Ups

Building – Explosive Back Squat + Bench + Chins + Row & Push Ups



Foundation – Deadlift + Gymnastics + CrossFit Aerobic (WB/Shuttle Run/KBS)

Building – Become a Pirate




Foundation – “What’s the deal with Ovaltine? The Jars round, the mug is round, they should call it roundtine!”


Building – Max Olympic Lifting + Front Squat + Mid-line



Foundation – TGU + Bench + Gymnastics

Building – Lactate Endurance (PCl/Burpee/Lunges/Mountain Climbers/KbFsq/Bike/Row) ….. 🙂



Foundation – Front Squat + Gymnastics + Conditioning Intervals (Row/Lunge/Bike)

Building – Back Squat + Bench + Deadlift (Heavy)

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