Week Preview: Feb.9 – 14


People are excited about Sublime.


I have been asked about the opens a few times since my last post. Quick run down on what happens:


First Step:


That is all the steps…

Once a week a workout will be released on-line. We will all get together and do this workout to the best of our ability. You then get to post your results and see how you compare world wide.

If a workout comes along that has movements you can not do, we will scale them so you can still participate. The score you submit will be what you were able to complete. Like I said in the last post, you can sign up to test yourself, or you can sign up to have some fun and suffer as a team once a week. It’s always a good experience. You must go here to sign up.


Be sure to join Team Sublime once you do.

a team

Okay here we go! Foundation is in a well deserved full on de-load week. Building ramps up the intensity a little more as we begin week 4/6. Being group keeps up the grind in week 3/5.


Foundation – TGU + Press + Upper Body Push/Pull

Building – Olympic Lifting till your brain explodes + A little burner at the end

(For this day keep weights moderate. Make good lifts, feel good about the day)



Foundation – Deadlift + Aerobic (KBS/Sit Ups/Step Up/Skip)

Building – Back Squat + Bench + Chin Up + Rowing



Foundation – Bench + Bodyweight mania (Row/Squat/Sit Up/Push Up/Pull Up/Sled)

Building – Make Mel Cup Cakes



Foundation – Make Mel More Cup Cakes

Building – Olympic Lifting (Intense) + Front Squat + Sit Ups



Foundation – Front Squat + Single Leg + Core

Building – Lactact Endurance (P-Clean/Bike/KB FSQ/Lunge/Burpee/WB)



Foundation – Gymnastic Strength (Pack a lunch)

Building – Back Squat + Bench + Deadlift (Eat everything possible on Friday)

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