Week Preview: Feb.2 – 7

Another month come and gone, which means summer is closer right?


We came so very close to beating our attendance record again… but fell 20 visits short. Sublime has, on average, around 1000 people walk through the doors each month. It sounds crazy when you put it that way. Anyway, we have our free drop in class this upcoming Saturday @ 12:30. Many of you have talked with me about friends wanting to check the place out. Bring them down this Saturday for a workout and an opportunity to chat with our coaches. It is no secret that our growth depends on referrals, most of our members join because they know someone involved with Sublime. Thank you for always speaking highly of us.

With the month of February beginning our focus for Building & Being shifts towards the Opens. I highly encourage people in both streams to sign up, and join Team Sublime in participating this year. We will have a time blocked off on Saturday so we can all get beat up together. We realize that not everyone will be able to make that date, so we might set up another time slot depending on what we hear from you guys.

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You can sign up to see where you rank., you can sign up to test yourself, or you can sign up to have some fun and suffer as a team once a week. It’s always a good experience.



Foundation works towards the end of the cycle with week 4/5 and sees the beginning of a de-load on Saturday. Building reaches the mid point in week 3/6. Being is making the push to the opens in week 2/5.



Foundation – Deadlift (Full Up at your Super Bowl party) + Single Leg work + Hollow & Arch Rocks (I know you hate them, but honestly they look soooo much better, great progress) + Maxing out the farmer walk

Building – Olympic Lifting (For this day pick a challenging weight that you KNOW you can make, you should leave this day feeling good about the lifts, work on technique) + A little somethin something (Burpees and such..)



Foundation – Bench + Lonnnngg Aerobic

Building – Back Squat & Bench Volume Day + Chins + Rowing



Foundation – Front Squat + A Fight, That Goes Bad…Like Really Bad (Bike/WB/KBS/Tuck Ups/Sled) – You’ll earn that rest day.

Building – Be happy you aren’t in Foundation today.



Foundation – Piece your lift together from Wednesday

Building – Olympic Lifting (Now we push the intensity) + Front Squat + Russian Butt Dancing



Foundation – Gymnastic to get you loose for The Spikes Dance Floor

Building – Fun with lactic power ( Bike / Sleds! / Rowing!! )



Foundation – Back Squat (de-load begins) + Mixed Map (WB/BJ/Bike/Row/Lunge/KBS)

Building – Max Day! Back Squat + Bench + Deadlift

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