Week Preview – Dec: 29 – Jan: 3

Alrrrrrrrrighty, were back after a short Christmas break. I hope everyone had a good holiday, and thought long and hard about Tim.


This week update will be substantially less mind bending.

We have shortened hours on Dec.31, and we are closed Jan.1. After that we resume regular hours and all excuses are no longer valid.

Our next free drop in class is Saturday, Jan.3rd… so if anyone was amazed at how great you look in your tight pants dance off during Christmas dinner (doesn’t everyone do that?), and wants to know your secret… bring em down!


Foundation enters week 4/5…. Building begins a new block with week 1/3… Being continues the Open prep phase in a new block with week 1/4!


Foundation – TGU + Press + Body Weight Push & Pull

Building – Snatch + Push Press & Pull Up + Conditioning (Sled&Bike) OR Strength (Dips/Pendlay Row/ISO Chin Hang)

Being – Clean & Jerk + Split Jerk + Push Press + 1:1 Conditioning piece (Cleans & T2B)



Foundation – Deadlift + Sprints! (Row&Bike)

Building – Back Squat + RDL + Conditioning (Skipping/DB Clean/Burpee) OR Strength (Hip Ext/Core)

Being – Front Squat + DU work + 20:00 grind (BJ/DBPCl/KBS/DBPSn) <<<< You got that?



Foundation – Bench + MAP (WB/K2E/BJ/PushUps/Burpees/Kbs)

Building – Push Jerk + Bench + Conditioning (DBPSn/WB) OR Strength (Db Press/Pull Up/Curls)

Being – Gymnastic (MU/HSPU/C2B) + 15:00 OF CROSSFIT MAYHEM WHOOAAAA (PSn/Burpee/WB) – The coffee is starting to kick in.


Thursday –

New years day – For most of you, deal with the hangover. For the others, I dunno, make a snowman? Orrrrrr, uhhhh, me and Claudia had a Terminator marathon the other day, you could try that?



Foundation – Front Squat + Unilateral Work + Core Work

Building – Clean + Front Squat + Conditioning (Sit Ups/BJ/DB Burpee Thrusters) OR Strength (Core)

Being – Snatch + 1:1 Conditioning Piece (Snatch/Burpees) + OHS + Handstand walk practice



Foundation – Gymnastic Strength until….ummmm… until the Leafs win the cup? HA!

Building – Back Squat + Row your life away

Being – Deadlift + The Worst 8:00 of your life! (C2B/Thrusters)

FrostFit Competitors – I am sure you know about the mock compeition Brendan has planned for this day. 3 Workouts, beginning at 8:45. Highly recommended, great learning experience.

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