Leave It At The Door – Inspired By Maddy



Pre warning – This will be slightly unorganized and may sound like rambling. I have a purpose for writing this, I’m just not sure how it will end up where I want it to though… Enjoy!

“I hope everything is going as well as usual back home. As much as I love Toronto, I really miss working out at Sublime. Also, thank you for being so flexible with me. I know I was all over the map this summer switching back and forth between workouts but you guys were nothing but helpful and supportive. My summer Sublime was a true blessing. Supported by a top notch coaching staff and a welcoming community, my strength, speed, form and flexibility improved to a degree I could not have achieved on my own. I would recommend Sublime to anyone who has a love for fitness, is ready to work hard and anyone who wants to become a part of a truly unique community where fellow members become like team-mates. Can’t wait to be back at Christmas!”

That is an email I received from Maddy, and it was one of many things that triggered me to write this post. She trained with us for the summer while she was in Winnipeg, and I really enjoyed having her around. She would get these outrageous workouts from her trainer that took hours, but I never once heard her complain. She would show me it, have a chuckle and begin warming up. I have actually received a few emails like this one and I have been holding on to them for a ‘testimonial’ spot on the website (whenever I get around to doing that). However lately, I use them as more of a pick me up when needed. This past week was, to be blatantly honest, shitty. I found myself feeling run down from a new training program, a head cold and a bad case of ignorance. Now, I’m not looking for pity, quite the opposite in fact. I’m hoping that you can relate. I know you guys feel run down, get sick and deal with ignorance as well. I hear negative comments all the time, whether to my face or through the grapevine (generally the latter).

“Who would pay that much just to work out?” “CrossFit is a fad”

Those are the more polite rumblings I hear, a lot. I can usually just let these roll off my back because the answers are so simple to me, but this week I let them get to me. Who would pay that much just to work out? Now, this question ALWAYS comes from someone who has no concept of the value in a carefully designed program being run in a coaching based facility. Also, in digging a little deeper it was discovered that this man spent $150/month on cigarettes… sooooo this one really shouldn’t have bothered me at all. CrossFit is a fad. Maybe, but getting stronger along with looking and feeling better are not. In my eyes what we offer is timeless, simply because it is honest. Fitness fads come and go, but a solid strength and conditioning program taught by coaches that honestly care for your well being will always yield positive results for the long term.

People criticize what they do not understand, and the words, ‘misery loves company’ couldn’t be more true when it comes to fitness or general health. We live in an age where a post of an athletic achievement is met with cynicism and scrutiny, while a post depicting some form of self-destruction is encouraged and celebrated. I’m not some no-fun-ogre that lives in the gym scowling at your beer pictures on instagram. I enjoy beer, too much sometimes. If you are unhappy with your health, don’t take it out on others that are trying to improve theirs. If they decided to take it easy Friday night in order to get a workout in Saturday morning., that generally has zero impact on your life, so continue on with it.

It goes the other way as well, CrossFit gyms do a great job of alienating themselves with an elitist attitude of CrossFit Vs The World, and make it so easy for everyone to hate them. Pumping out t-shirts with slogans like, “Your workout is my warmup”, or dismissing any other form of training as inferior. What good comes from stuff like that? I have trained people with workouts that could be considered a warm up for some. So what? They are working hard, within their fitness level, trying to better themselves. Do not undermine the effort they are putting in.

I guess in the end I was upset with myself because I let this week get the best of me, which I felt affected my coaching/training. I didn’t feel it was up to the standards I hold myself too which really bothered me. I attempt to lead my life with the idea that my environment doesn’t create who I am, or how I feel. I like to believe that I have the power to control who I am in my environment, define who I am without my surroundings impacting that definition. I don’t know if its true but it helps me keep my sanity, all you Psychology majors can write me paper debating that statement (I’d love to read them). Point is, I let negativity follow me into the gym and it obviously did me no good. THIS is the point I have taken far too long to reach. Maddy was a pleasure to coach, because she was always ready to be coached. Regardless of what was happening in her life, she left it at the door and was open for instruction. No matter how dreadful your day has been, let it all roll off your shoulders when you walk in our doors. Whatever baggage you are carrying will be there waiting for you when you walk out. Use that hour of training in Sublimes environment to escape the outside world, because I can guarantee you trying to bring them together will just leave you frustrated and defeated.




  • AmandaKWhite

    October 27, 2013 @ 10:34 pm

    Awesome post Kyle!  I was in the worst of spirits this week so this article is perfectly timed for me!  Back tomorrow with a new attitude!!!

  • CLaw

    October 27, 2013 @ 10:44 pm

    This wouldn’t let me post my entire comment…so you’re getting this in parts…apparently I have A LOT to say…
    KYLE!!!!  Have you EVER hit the nail on the head here – and did I EVER need to read this (as I’ve been feeling sorry for myself this last week).  But first off, I couldn’t agree with you more re: the comments about Crossfit, and how Crossfit gyms CAN alienate themselves too.  I personally think anyone doing anything to make themselves a healthier and happier person (thru whichever type of program they chose) is doing a good thing.  And I have to thank Tapout for contributing to my view on this (she already knows that I give her props for helping to make me change/re-think my view).

  • CLaw

    October 27, 2013 @ 11:09 pm

    This last week has been terrible for me – work has overwhelmed my life, which resulted in only 2 training days, I’ve been feeling run down from it (and fighting off getting sick), and have a back injury I’m dealing with (and is limiting me in my training and doing all the things I consider most “fun” in the gym, which is also disappointing). For starters, I shouldn’t let work take over my life like it has – but it’s been necessary – and since I only have so many hours in the day, and my body can only handle so much stress, something had to give. I usually ALWAYS put coming to the gym first, as staying active & healthy is a priority for me in my life (and getting in a good training session is needed for my own sanity), but other demands actually took over (or, I guess I let them). But, THE BEST part of all this?! I still had coaches and friends from the gym checking in on me, and making sure I was okay. Why? Because I wasn’t there at 6am every day, and they were concerned.

  • CLaw

    October 27, 2013 @ 11:09 pm

    AND, on top of it all, Kyle had already come up with modified (and even completely separate) workouts for me, knowing about my injury and what I had to stay away from. It’s a nice feeling to know that you’re missed, in any outlet of your life…and to know that people are willing to go out their way for you – something that I don’t expect from anyone, ever – makes you think about how much you’re really part of something special when it happens! I also don’t expect others to feel sorry for me, but knowing I have people that are concerned for me and my well being is a great feeling to have… Safety is a HUGE part of our training at Sublime (i.e. progressing in a safe/sound way, proper form, etc), but the “safety net” of a huge support system that comes along with it is invaluable…and I’ve really felt it this past week!

  • CLaw

    October 27, 2013 @ 11:10 pm

    Midweek when I finally got in for one of my workouts, I DID let what was
    going on with my life affect my attitude when I arrived. But then once I finally
    got into my workout, and got to partner up with one of my fav training gals for
    the last part of the workout (which I was able to do)…I was back in my zone.
    Stepping into the gym REALLY does let you put everything else aside for the hour
    (or 2+ that I’m usually there for!) and focus on YOURSELF. And I don’t consider
    it selfish at all…everyone needs ME time…if you’re not well (physically,
    mentally, emotionally), you won’t be of benefit to others around you (at work,
    in relationships, etc). So thanks Kyle for this post – I CAN 100% relate to it.
    AND, I’d like to THANK YOU for being such an amazing coach AND person – you’re
    such a HUGE part of why Sublime is the amazing gym & community it is…bad
    weeks & all! Looking forward to getting back into my routine!
    AND now I’m done posting 🙂

  • JeffMartel

    October 28, 2013 @ 1:13 am

    Dude, I seriously couldn’t even tell you were “down” last week. As far as I’m concerned, your performance as a coach didn’t reflect whatever personal feelings you were having. The professionalism is always there, even when having to deal with my antics.
    As far as the nay-sayers and the haters, f-bomb them. We have a WICKED group of coaches and of members. I can honestly say there is not one single person in the club that I dislike. Not one member that I see walk in and am disappointed is there. Not one I wouldn’t invite into my home for a drink or ten. (Even though they probably wouldn’t say the same about me! LOL! WOOOOO!)
    Point is, chin up. Sublime is our “zone” to tune out the outside world and work off that stress. Lets do this.

  • SuperBean

    October 28, 2013 @ 1:58 am

    Kyle, just like your coaching, this is (yet another) great post full of reflective pause, well-rounded advice and a positive outlook.  I echo everyone here, especially CLaw, about how you’re such a crucial and great part of the Sublime coaching team!  I’ve gone through a lot myself even in the past year, and since the gym has opened, you and the coaches have been great fitness and life mentors that care deeply about their members and their well-being.  Your accommodations to training for both myself and other members have been so very much appreciated and I am incredibly grateful and privileged to be a member of such an amazing family. Yes, there have been days when personal stuff was hard to leave at the door (one in particular a few weeks back–I do apologize to those around me :s), but once you get going and warmed up, it’s all about the day’s tasks and how best to accomplish them! (and our troubles outside the gym stay outside 🙂  
    We have our good training days and bad, and the best way to go about the bad is to be constructive in our self-criticism instead of self-deprecating (YES, I know that can be hard! need to practice what I preach more often).  As much as I have fluctuated in my training schedule since I started training in Crossfit, I’ve stuck around for 6 years for a reason: the amazing coaching I’ve received, the community I’ve been a part of, and a varied fitness approach that holds my interest, gets me active and keeps me coming back–agreed Kyle, this is definitely not a fad.  Sublime’s outstanding strength and conditioning programming gives us a great little community that we as members are proud to call our own.

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