Author: Claire Walsh

The First Week….

Well, our first week of training is in the books. And a successful week it was! We had many new faces join our community and they were greeted by several old (read: “experienced”) faces when they came in for the first training sessions. As a coach, it was great to see experienced athletes helping new […]

Coach’s Notes for the Week

Almost everybody’s on the same page this week! Just starting out in a new gym, possibly with a new coach (or an old coach), on a new program. There will be a few of my individualized training clients joining you this week — doing their own program, but just as much a part of this […]

Can you feel it in your bones?

Yesterday I snuck in for my third workout at Sublime since construction started. I managed to squeeze in an olympic lifting session before it came time for the open house. I heard one of the guys working on the bathroom crack a joke about getting a hernia if he attempted what I was doing. It […]

Come On Down!

We would like to invite YOU to join us for our first CrossFit Sublime Open House. We will be hosting this on Wednesday Jan 2 from 6-8pm, Thursday Jan 3 from 6-8pm and Saturday Jan 5 from 10am-2pm. If you want to know more about who we are and what we offer or just to […]

The Home Stretch

Hey everyone, Just wanted to quickly update what has been going on in the world of Sublime Strength and Conditioning. I had ambitious plans to update the website consistently as the construction progressed, but I was quickly consumed by the amount of work that comes along with renovations and starting up a business. We have […]

A Survey for Potential Members

A couple weeks ago we posted a survey on Facebook for potential members. We’re excited to have received a solid 40 responses there so far! The data from the survey has been SO helpful in helping us make sure that the services we will offer are what people are actually looking for in terms of […]

Winnipeg’s Newest CrossFit Gym

[notice]We are currently renovating our building. We are excited to announce that we will be running CrossFit classes at 1980 Main Street in January 2013! Stay tuned for details![/notice] We’re excited to be Winnipeg’s newest CrossFit Gym. But we’re not Winnipeg’s newest CrossFit coaches! Brendan was the first CrossFitter in Winnipeg – starting up a […]