Author: Claire Walsh

All Star Status

I want to give a big shout out to Cody. I’m pretty stoked about this one because I have had the opportunity to really watch Cody grow here in the gym, I’ve watched his awkward squat turn into a thing of beauty. He came to us after finishing his season playing AA with the goal […]

Week Preview for Jan.13 – 18

It’s De-Load Week!!!!!!!!!!! So no more complaining… First off, giant congratulations to our competitors who slugged it out at the Undefeated CrossFit Competition. Melissa, Matt, Caitlin, Mark, Leslie, Gail, Nicole and Brad all made us proud. Great job everyone. Second, it appears that we have some confusion in regards to the Potluck on the 18th. […]

Jan.6 – 12 …& Some Dates To Keep In Mind

Alright folks, December can often be a month were people fall out of a routine and indulge in life’s pleasantries…. I let it slide, but now January has arrived and I expect to see everyone back in here and back in a routine. If not, I’m gonna be ALL UP IN YOUR GRILL! ^^This is […]

Nicoles Story

Another great story from Nicole to wrap up this year. I still have a few more of these but I would love to receive more! Write up a summary of the past year and send it my way please! Nicole is one of the ladies that help liven up 6am…She has a crew and if […]

Dec. 30 – Jan.4

Monday: Building – Snatch + Back Squat + A Little Lactic Power training 🙂 Foundation – Front Squat + Deadlifts + Full Body Strength Work   Tuesday: Building – Clean Pulls + Max Aerobic Power Circuits (Involves Pull Ups, Push Ups, Deadlifts, Wall Balls…etc) Foundation – SLED SPRINTS + Long Low % Aerobic Circuit (Row, […]

Dec.23 – 29

ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! The Grinch from Brendan Sonnichsen on Vimeo.   Monday: Building – Front Squat + Snatch + Clean Pull + AirDyne Foundation – Front Squat + Deadlift + Full Body Strength Work   Tuesday: Aerobic Circuits Building & Foundation – “THE GRINCH”   Wednesday: Merry Christmas everyone! Building – Rest Foundation – […]

Holiday Hours, New January Hours, And… A Party?

IT’S BEEN A YEAR! We’ve almost been open a year… As in 365 days… That blows my mind. On that topic I have some information that will blow YOUR mind…   1) Holiday Hours: 24th – Regular Morning + 2:30 – 5:30(Last class is 4pm) 25 & 26th – Closed 31st – Regular Morning + […]

Dec. 16 – 21

Monday: Goes without saying…Rest day for Big Dawg Competitors. Deload week for Foundation. Building – Snatch + Back Squat + AirDyne Foundation – Front Squat & Pull Up + Full Body Strength   Tuesday: Building – Clean Pull + Max Aerobic Power circuits Foundation – Aerobic Circuit + Ab Chiseling sessions   Wednesday: Building – […]

Clothe The City

Hey! A message from Lexy (shes the best) to all those who donated some clothing! “I just wanted to throw a huge thank you to everyone at sublime that took the time to donate a little something for clothe the city. By the time I dropped off the donations yesterday, they had already ran out […]

Dec. 9 – 15

This Saturday & Sunday we will be hosting the Big Dawg Winter Challenge. Classes will run as per usual, feel free to stick around after and cheer on your fellow members! Monday: Building – Back Squat + Snatch Pull + AirDyne Foundation – Front Squat & Pull Up + Full Body Strength Work   Tuesday: […]