Author: Claire Walsh

Whole30 – You know how you could do that?

When I talk to people about changes to their squats, I’m usually met with reception. I start talking changes to diet, and all of a sudden I’m met with resistance. That’s not entirely true, I’ve talked to several of you who are eager to try out this Whole30 thing… So I hope this article doesn’t […]

Sublime Party (Opens Wind Up) & Program Preview March 24-29

Hey everyone, The opens wrap up this week so we wanted to celebrate with everyone! This is for all members, not just those who participated in the opens these past few weeks… I want to see what you all look like when you aren’t wearing sweatpants, except for Rand because I know he will wear […]

Motivation for Whole30

Two biggest things that stand in the way of someone committing to the Whole 30 are understanding the potential benefits (the “Why”) and understanding the food options (the “How”). Today I’ll point you toward two free Robb Wolf resources… One is his Testimonials page, which is probably the most comprehensive sources of inspiration I’ve ever […]

Whole 30 – Set yourself up for success

The plan is to start the Whole30 challenge on March 30. This would make the challenge officially from March 30 – April 28. Here are a few things you should consider doing this week to set yourself up for success: 1. Sign-up for the Whole30 Daily, or buy/borrow a book about this kind of stuff… […]


This is just a brief note (all I have time for now), that on March 29 we will be hosting a nutrition seminar again (12-2). The main difference is that this nutrition seminar will be to kick off the start of our own Whole30 challenge. I’m posting this in advance because I would like you […]

March. 17 – 22

New Training Phase for Foundation! Monday: Building – Power Clean & Jerk + Back Squat & Muscle Ups Foundation – Front Squat & Pull Ups + Incline DB Bench + Everyones favorite… the Turkish Get Up!   Tuesday: Building & Foundation – Aerobic Intervals (Wall Ball, KBS, Burpee)   Wednesday: Building – Rest Foundation – […]

Juggernaut Jocelyn

Jocelyn is pretty much the little engine that could. She always has a modest, “I’ll do what I can” attitude, then blows me away with what she is capable of doing. So as of right now, I have decided to call her, JUGGERNAUT JOCELYN… and here is her story: Crossfit was always something I was […]

March. 10 – 15

It is de-load week for Foundation. Week 2 of 4 for Building. Monday: Foundation – Push Press & Back Squat + Full Body Strength Work Building – Snatch + Clean & Jerk + Back Squat   Tuesday: Foundation – Aerobic Intervals (Row, Skip, Sled, AD) Building – Aerobic Intervals ( Box Jump, KBS, Lunge, Push […]

Week Preview March. 3rd – 9

Well that was fun! Nice work on 14.1 everyone… New phase for Building now as we continue on with the opens.   Monday: Foundation – Push Press & Pull Up + Back Squat + Full body strength work Building – Moderate lifting (Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Back Squat)   Tuesday: Foundation – Aerobic Intervals (Row, […]

Free Drop In Class

Hey all, we are having another FREE INTRO CLASS for those of you wanting to see what Sublime is all about! The class is Saturday March 8th at 1PM.  In March we will be adding afternoon classes on Monday, Tuesday and Friday at 11:30am & 12pm and we have limited space available in our evening […]