Author: Claire Walsh

Week Preview May 5 – 10 / Snatch Analysis

Final week of this current cycle for Building. Foundation continues the grind in week 2/4….   Some of you who do not have Facebook have asked to see the Snatch Analysis video I posted, so if you want to see how bad I am, here is that. I talk way too much, main point is […]

Week Preview April 28 – May 3

Testing is over! It was an awesome two weeks, with lots of new personal records. The day that stood out the most for me was the baseline test… So many people had huge gains. Whether it was reaching 40cals, getting to the push ups, getting a bunch of push ups when you only had 2 […]

Programming for Week of April 21

Yoga has moved to a new time slot! It will now be Sunday Mornings at 10:30… Hope to see you there! Monday Foundation – Feats of strength with your arms + feats of strength, one leg at a time + feats of airdyning + a good ol time with the KB Building – C&J, BS, […]

Weekly Preview April 14 – 19

Week Preview: I’m gone Thursday – Monday to the Outlaw Barbell camp. Hope everyone enjoys the long weekend, see you all when I’m back! Foundation begins testing phase while Building just keeps on keeping on…   Monday: Foundation – Front Squat & Back Squat + Baseline 🙂 Building – Snatch + Back Squat & HSPU […]

Sublime Fundraiser

Ladies and Gentlemen I have some very exciting news! Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are back together! I take full credit because I have been mailing both of them trying to get them talking… Also, Sublime is going to put on a fundraiser. Some of you may remember a little event I put on a […]

Week Preview April. 7 – 12

Week 4/4 for Foundation & Week 2/3 for Building Monday: Foundation – Back Squat + Sup Chin Up + DB Bench + TGU Building – Snatch + Back Squat & HSPU + Full Body Strength   Tuesday: Foundation – Aerobic Intervals (KBS, Box Jump, Wall Ball, Burpee, Shuttle Run, Walking Lunge) Building – Sotts Press […]

Join Sublime’s Whole30 Group

For those who haven’t already joined and are interested in doing so, you can visit our group and sign up now (instead of using the old form). I apologize that the web format is so dark… working on it.

Whole30 Roll Call!

While resources like the Whole30 Daily can be hugely beneficial to educating and motivating you, we are working on ways to keep you plugged in to other members of the community participating in the challenge. Right now we’ll call it a “mailing list”, but I’m working on something that is maybe a bit more interactive […]

Weekly Preview (March. 31 – April 5)

Nice work on Saturday, and I’m not talking about the workout…. Foundation is in week 3/4 and it’s a new phase for Building. The opens are over! Monday: Foundation – Deadlift & Pull Up + DB Bench Building – Snatch + Full Body Strength   Tuesday: Foundation – Aerobic Circuits (KBS, Row, Wall Ball, AD, […]

Whole30 Key Resources

Ok, here are the most important resources for your Whole30: 1 – official-whole30-program-rules 2 – ISWF-Meal-Planning-Template 3 – PracticalPaleo_GuidetoPaleoCarbs And for those of you not on Facebook, I posted a link to this yesterday: The Whole30 Timeline… What to expect when you’re on the Whole30.