Author: Claire Walsh

Week Preview May 17-22

Hi everyone, so we’ve made the transition fully to outdoor classes and a maximum of 4 people per class. The class times have also been shortened slightly so we can accommodate as many people as possible. We’re working hard to make sure that you are still getting similar workouts to what you would get in […]

Week Preview May 3-8

So a bit of a deload this week, particularly for Building. No WB workout but some tough conditioning to keep you on your toes. Also conditioning on Friday and some sprints on Saturday for good measure. Should be a good time! Monday Band pull in, Back Extn, Calf Raise, goblet Squat, Couch Stretch + Lifting […]

Week Preview April 26-30

Monday RDL, Ring Row, Sled Push, Stretch + Lifting Foundation: Bench Press, FSBuilding: Pwr Clean and Jerk, Back Squat Tuesday Whiteboard Workout/Conditioning Wednesday Conditioning and Stretching Thursday Incline Bench, L-sit, Split Squat, Tib Raise, Couch Stretch + Lifting Foundation: Hip Thrust, Behind the Neck Strict PressBuilding: Jerk Friday DB Shoulder Press, Chins, Trap 3, Cross […]

Week Preview April 19-24

Hi everyone, I think a lot of you surprised yourselves last week with how much strength you’ve built up in the last 9 weeks. Very impressive effort from everyone in the final week of the last cycle. New cycle starts this week! With it we have the return of the Whiteboard Workout! You can treat […]

Week Preview April 12-17

Hi everyone, this is the last week of this cycle. So last week of these Foundation barbell strength movements. There’s been so much progress since we reopened. This week you get to lift HEAVY and see what you can do. For Building we’re gonna try to max out the jerk and Foundation if you’re feeling […]

Week Preview April 5-11

Monday CBP, Cuban Rotation, SA Farmers Walk, Sled Push, Pike Stretch + Lifting Foundation: Pendlay Row, Back SquatBuilding: Pwr Clean, Back Squat Tuesday Row, Calf Raise, V ups, FS, Leg Curl + Conditioning Wednesday Conditioning and mobility Thursday Bench, Front Lever Pull, Neck Pull, Sled Drag, 90/90 stretch + Lifting Foundation: Deadlift, Push PressBuilding: Jerk […]

Week Preview March 29-April 4

Hi everyone, it is a short week with a few holidays thrown in! Friday we’re gonna do a fun sampler workout with bits and pieces from the Crossfit Open that just finished. Sunday we will be closed for Easter so no Open Gym that day. The schedule for April is up and there has been […]

Week Preview March 22-27

Monday Chest Flye, Trap 3, Sled Drag, Curls, Tricep Press + Lifting Foundation: Pendlay Row, Back SquatBuilding: Hang Pwr Clean, Back Squat Tuesday Walking Lunge, Tib Raise, Back Extn, Hip Flexion, Wall Slides + Conditioning Wednesday Conditioning and mobility Thursday KB Squat, CGBP or Ring Dip, DB Row, Sled, Couch Stretch + Lifting Foundation: Deadlift, […]

Week Preview March 15-20

Monday CBP, Cuban Rotation, Farmers Walk, Sled Push, Pike Stretch + Lifting Foundation: Pendlay Row, Back SquatBuilding: Hang Pwr Clean, Back Squat Tuesday Row, Calf Raise, V-ups, FS, Leg Curl + Conditioning Wednesday Conditioning and mobility Thursday Incline Bench, Scap Pull ups, Neck Pull, Sled Drag, 90/90 + Lifting Foundation: Deadlift, Push PressBuilding: Push Jerk […]

Week Preview March 8-14

Hi everyone, the class and change room restrictions have been lifted so one more step back to being normal again. To celebrate this we’re doing a partner workout on Saturday, Monday Push ups, Row, Extn, rotation, Powell Raise, Sled Drag + Lifting Foundation: Pendlay Row, Back SquatBuilding: Hi Hang Pwr Clean, Back Squat Tuesday Bike, […]