Author: Claire Walsh

Week Preview August 8-13

Ok the weeks surrounding August long are over. Time to get signed up for your classes and get back into a routine! We’re back into those big leg and overhead strength days starting and finishing the week for Building. Monday Sled Push, Scott curl, BS (OHS), Split Squat, Side Plank Foundation: OHS, Sumo Deadlift Building: […]

Week Preview August 1-6

Oh gosh our two summer months are half over! It’s a short week this week so a bit different in terms of what’s going on, on each day. I’m gonna be in on Monday morning to host a fun holiday partner workout for you so if you’re in town come join me! Monday Holiday Partner […]

Week Preview July 25-30

Monday Squats, DB Bench, Sled Drag, Chins, Rev Step ups Foundation: OHS, Sumo Deadlift Building: BS, FS Tuesday Conditioning Thursday Deadlift, Band Pull in, DB Flye, Powell Raise, Back Extension Foundation: BB Split Squat, BB Row Building: Snatch, CJ Friday RDL, L-sit, Ext Rotation, Lateral Raise, Split Squat Foundation: Intervals, AbsBuilding: Push Press, Strict Press […]

Week Preview July 18-23

Monday Sled Push, curls, BS/OHS, Split Squat, Side Planks Foundation: OHS, Sumo Deadlift Building: BS, FS (yeah Building, once again a very serious leg day) Tuesday Whiteboard workout (with running) Thursday Back Extension, DB Extn Rotation, Dragon Flag, Behind the Neck Press, Reverse Nordic Foundation: BB Split Squat, BB Row Building: Snatch, CJ Friday Sled […]

Week Preview July 11-16

Monday BS (Building OHS), Sled push/pull, curls, triceps, bottom ¼ squats Foundation: OHS, Sumo Deadlift Building: BS, FS (yeah Building, you’re gonna squat your little hearts out today), Couch Stretch Tuesday Whiteboard workout (yeah it’s been in awhile) Thursday Rev Step ups, Sled Drag, Ring Dip or Incline Bench, Inverted Row, Frog Stretch Foundation: BB […]

Week Preview July 4-9

New cycle begins! A little more strength work for the Building Program (but Building people if you’d like to have a conditioning focus this cycle feel free to join the Foundation group on Fridays), and new lifts for the Foundation group. Monday BS (Building OHS), Sled Drag, Incline Bench, Chins, Poliquin Step up Foundation: OHS, […]

Week Preview June 27 – July 2nd

Ok last week of this Foundation strength cycle so we’re gonna see what we can do this week! I believe our record holders for hip thrust are Ken with 425 x 3 and Michelle with 300 x 1. So let’s move some weight! There’s a holiday on Friday so it’s a short week. The forecast […]

Week Preview June 20-25

It’s here. The WB Workout I get asked about all the time. Because you either hate it soooo bad it’s your worst nightmare (me) or it’s your favourite (Brent). Also Quad Storm on Saturday (I love this workout). Monday Incline Bench, Ring Row, Sled Push, Trap 3, Stretch Foundation: Snatch Grip RDL, FS Building: Hang […]

Week Preview June 13-18

So we’re into the last 3 weeks of this 9 week Foundation strength cycle. We’ll continue with our short running sprint work, weather permitting. And we’ll be doing some more sustained sprint work on Saturday this week. Monday Seated GM, Garhammers, Rev Step up, Tib Raise, Pigeon Foundation: Snatch Grip RDL, FS Building: Hang Snatch, […]

Week Preview June 6-11

Hi everyone! Ashton wants to get a back of the truck BBQ in before everyone gets too busy with summer activities, so we’re inviting you to have an early BBQ lunch at 11 after the morning class on Saturday! You don’t have to workout to come hang out for lunch. . . but obviously it […]