Author: Claire Walsh

Week Preview January 2 – 7

Happy New Year everyone! We have a holiday partner workout for you on Monday and then our new strength cycle starts this week. So Foundation will have additional barbell strength work on Tuesday and Thursday and Building Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Plus the special treat all this cycle, Bench Press on Saturdays. Monday Holiday Partner […]

Week Preview Dec 26 – 31

Merry Christmas! I think we had a record turn out at the Grinch on Saturday and we have two more days of holiday workouts coming your way at the beginning of this week. We’ll get our lifting in on Thursday and Friday this week. Monday 12 Days of Christmas (This class is full but if […]

Week Preview Dec 19 – 24

We’re almost there, holidays are right around the corner! This week is entirely regular schedule but we have our traditional “How the Grinch Trained to Steal Christmas” workout on Saturday (Christmas Eve). Come join us for some fun, larger group, holiday workouts the following week. Monday Incline Bench, Ring Row, Heavy Sled push, Ab Wheel, […]

Week Preview Dec 12-17

Hi guys! Or annual members Christmas Party is on Friday! Tyler and Elisabeth are hosting again. Please feel free to come anytime after 7:30 pm. I’m going to put a sign up sheet on the desk so if you’re going to attend please put your name on the sheet and let everyone know what snack/appetizer […]

Week Preview November 28 – Dec 3

Okay gang we’re moving into that busy holiday season mode and there is sickness EVERYWHERE so getting your daily movement in may take a bit more planning and intent on your part for the next month or so! Monday Incline Bench, Ring Row, Sled Push, Ab Wheel, Stretch Foundation: Hip Thrust, Strict Press Building: Hi […]

Week Preview November 21-26

Building you watched Foundation suffer through sets of 10’s, this week it’s your turn Monday Seated GM, Gahammers, Rev Step up, CBP, Pigeon Stretch Foundation: Hip Thrust, Behind the Neck Strict Press Building: Hi Hang P-Sn, BS Tuesday WB Workout!! (a brand new one so you can’t look at it and conjure up terrible memories) […]

Week Preview November 14-19

Monday Band Pull in, Back Extn, Calf Raise, GOB Squat, Pike Stretch Foundation: Hip Thrust, Strict Press Building: Snatch, Clean Pull Tuesday Interval Conditioning (break from WB Workout) Wednesday Conditioning & Stretch Thursday Push up, Ring Row, Sled Push, CBP, Stretch Foundation: Good Morning, FS Building: CJ, BS Friday DB Shoulder Press, Chins, Trap 3, […]

Week Preview November 7-12

It’s a short week this week! No classes on Remembrance Day. Monday Bench Press, Ring Row, Sled Push, Ab Wheel, Stretch Foundation: Hip Thrust, BTN Strict Press Building: Clean and Jerk, Clean Pull Tuesday WB Workout! Wednesday Conditioning & Stretch Thursday RDL, Split Squat, L-sit, QL Extension, CBP Foundation: Good Morning, FS Building: Pwr Snatch, […]

Week Preview October 30 – November 5

Helllloooo, new cycle starts this week. Whiteboard workouts are back, but don’t go avoiding Tuesdays just because you don’t like that intensity. If you want to treat it like regular conditioning and not have your name go up on the board that’s perfectly fine. Monday Seated GM, Garhammers, CBP, Tib Raise, Pigeon Foundation: Hip Thrust, […]

Week Preview October 24 – 29

Hi gang, last week of this cycle! Monday DB Flye, Trap 3, Sled push/pull running, Ring Curls, Tricep Extension Foundation: Pendlay Row, BS Building: 3 Position Snatch + OHS complex, Clean grip DL Tuesday Bulgarian Split Squat, QL Extension, SL Back Extension, Band hip flexion, Butterfly Everyone: Conditioning Wednesday Conditioning & Stretch Thursday TGU, CGBP […]